A selection of unusual street names ...!

When making the Quiz Trails we thoroughly enjoy discovering fun things …

Kent has a selection of unusual street names ... Faversham has Ticklebelly Alley ...

Cockle Swamp Alley is in Deal

Squeeze Gut Alley - Whitstable

No Name Alley - Sandwich

Small Profits - Yalding

Dead Cat Alley - Tovil

Screaming Alley - Ramsgate

Dumb Woman’s Lane - Rye (Sussex)

Pett Bottom - Bridge

Gravelly Bottom Road - Maidstone

Lewd Lane - Smarden

and one for the juniors ... Bogey Lane is in Tunbridge Wells (yuk!)


Surrey has fun ones too …

Porridge Pot Alley in Guildford

Walking Bottom – Peaslake

Christmas Pie Avenue – Flexford, Guildford

Jackass Lane – Godstone

Irons Bottom – Reigate (there’s a way to lose the wrinkles!)

Great Bottom Flash – Basingstoke Canal

And one for chocolate lovers … Quality Street in Merstham


In East Sussex you’ll discover this fun fact about naming …

The Angle Saxons named Middlesex for the middle of England

Wessex for the West

Sussex for the South

Essex for the East

Strange that the North wasn’t named No…?!

In all of our Quiz Trails we make sure fun facts are included along with the serious tales of the olden days!
We now have 20 Quiz Trails available – where will you explore next?

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